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How Important is Mortgage Protection

Why MP?

Family is the most important. Mortgage protection guarantees protection to your house in event of death. This means that your family will still have a house if you were to die. Banks and others will take the house if the mortgage is not paid off, and your family will be expelled from the house. It’s important to have mortgage protection in place.

It is always important to have your home mortgaged protected because no one knows what the future holds. For example, if you were to be diagnosed with a disease that prevents you from continuing in your career, permanent life insurance would come in handy at this time. You would not have to worry about losing your house or worrying about which bills need to be paid and when.

You should also think about permanent life insurance even if you are healthy right now because it never hurts to plan ahead for the unexpected. It makes sense that permanent life insurance is much better than term life in general, but sometimes people do not think they can afford permanent life insurance when in fact they probably can.

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